I know that spammers and hackers are constantly screwing with sysadmins on EVERY website, but PLEASE Fran, could you either get rid of the login Capcha or at least extend the life of the login cookie to more than a week or two, preferably to a month or two.
I love the board and think it's a precious resource, but traffic is so slow and I only visit every other week these days.
I am SOOOOOO sick and tired of ticking boxes and fighting those insipid capchas every bloody time I visit.
Gary 😉
I feel your pain but the number of spammers trying to access the forums is incredibly high. I have many filters in place because it's really crazy. It's a little price we have to pay so that the forum doesn't turn into a dumpster quickly.
I always keep an eye if I find a way that is simpler.
Then I'll have to limit my visits to once a month or two.