Attached you have the PC4 FM Programs with FX Chains that you can load in a Forte (4.00+), SP6 (2.50+) or a Forte SE (2.10+).
Have fun,
Forte SE 2.10+ ???
Isn't the last published version 2.05? Spoiler ? ?
There is a Forte SE 2.10 Beta. To get it, please sign up at forte_se_beta@ycrdi.com
Thank you! I have no Forte SE but just informed a good friend of mine who has one.
Hi Fran, let me put this thread up again for a question... As all my gigs were postponed to... who knows when ? I think this is the best moment for replacing my "other brand weighted keys workstation" and my PC3 with a single keyboard. Forte SE is the first candidate, because I found a second hand one at a very reasonable price. But 'm still wondering which level of compatibility with the other "old style FM capable" Kurzweil keyboards the beta OS has reached. In other words, I'd like to recover many DX7 programs I created in 20 years of gigs with that synth, do you think it's possible? Or should I find a Forte or a PC4?