
Loading programs he...
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Loading programs help?

2 Posts
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Posts: 19
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Hey whats up guy, sorry to bother yall. If you wouldn't mind, can you give me some clarification on how to load sounds/programs in the pc3k. I recently bought the machine, and its awesome. Anyways, here's what I got. I have all my user slots empty. Bank 1025-1152, and the rest following are empty as well. I have a bank of 120 sound programs and another bank of 20 I would like to load consecutively. I spent half the day trying all the loading options but I can't get it to seem rite, except only when I select "overwrite" at the empty userbank. Here is an example of what I encountered. As if I were in storage mode.

(Bank of 120 prorams/sounds selected, .pc3 file)
-Select bank 1025-1152
-select "overwrite"
(everything works correctly) I have selected "fill" before, but when I went to play the program when I loaded the programs with "fill" their were other programs/sounds on top the sounds I loaded. Weird. But with overwrite, the proper program was loaded.)

Then I proceed to try to get the other 20 sounds after the ones I just loaded, and I basically tried every loading option except merge. There are about 8 slots left in bank 1025-1152 and I selected "fill" on that bank for these 20 sounds/programs I would like to load. It loads in the correct spot, but it loads two of the same sample. A mono, and stereo. "bells"S then underneath "bells"M. And so forth. I would love your feedback regarding loading programs and data in the pc3. Sorry for the novel. I know I can select and empty bank 1152-__ and select overwrite but I'm not sure if it would finish bank 1025-1152 which I essentially want to do.


Posted : 26/01/2014 8:59 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

I'm still learning the pc3k too and can't directly answer to your problem but what I can suggest is just hit fill, and if you don't like where they are, hit edit, save, and then move each program one at a time to the empty slot you want to fill, then delete the program from the location where you didn't want it to be.

Posted : 26/01/2014 3:04 pm