I am very sorry, but I left facebook. So I hope, my question will be answered in this forum.
Thanks in advance!
I use a Forte7 and I use a Nord Stage3-compact.
The Nord Stage-3 has a function called 'seamless transition'.
It is a very useful function: You can choose a new sound or program, while hearing the old one.
I know, that Kurzweil has a similar function, choosing a new sound, but is there a possibility to use this function in FAVORITES or MULTIS as well? I did not find a parameter.
Why do I want this function?
I play in a cover-band and sometimes I need several sounds in a special sequence.
For example: Evil Woman - ELO -> first strings, second piano, second strings, fourth piano ...
I stored the sounds in favorites, but pressing the favorite-buttons, the sound breaks down (no seamless transition).
So I created a Multi and stored the sounds to the 4 buttons in the panel. But fast change is not easy, because I have to press minimum 2 buttons.
And storing each sound in memory to use is sequentiell, is terrible, because there is no order.
Any idea?
And: does anyone know, whether the pc4 has such a function?
Thanks again!
eibinger, there's a pretty extensive thread relating to this on the Mastering Vast Forum
a lot of it is relating to ".... tweak the Entry/Exit values for Volume and Expression in your multis properly."
Hi @eibinger,
On both Forte and PC4, the Global Mode Main 1 page has a “Sound Selection” parameter. Setting this to “Enter button” allows you to scroll through the Program or Multi list, the selected Program/Multi will not be loaded until the Enter button is pressed. (Switching between Program/Multi mode will still immediately load the last selected Program/Multi, and this does not work with selecting Favorites either.)
For a seamless transition in sound, each Program or Multi must use 14 units of FX or less. From the Manual:
When sustaining notes while switching between 2 Programs, FX resources from the first Program may be “stolen” in order to load effects from the second Program. Because of this, you may hear a change in the sound of the first Program when switching to the second Program. If both Programs each use 14 DSP Units or less, then in most cases FX resources will not be stolen from the first Program, and you should not hear a change in the sound of the first Program.
See the manual for more details on editing FX usage for programs/multis. For programs you may need to edit the chain or choose different chains. For Multis you can often just disable the FX on some Zones using the Multi Edit FX page...set "Enable" to "N".
For Multis, you should also check that each Zone has it’s Volume "Exit Value" set to None, in order to avoid unnecessary volume jumps. In Multi Edit, go to the Overview page and Press Fav2 to toggle seeing the Volume Entry/Exit values. To set a value of "None", scroll below 0 or type -1 followed by Enter. Unfortunately a lot of the Forte factory Multis have Exit Volume set to 127...if you make a lot of multis it's convenient to make a user Multi as a template with Exit Volumes set to None.
For live sets, people often make a Favorites Bank for each song, with Favorite Programs/Multis in the order they need for the song. You can also assign a foot switch to advance up/down through the Favorites in the currently selected Favorites Bank. For example, to set Switch Pedal 3 to advance through the current Favorites Bank, go to the Global Mode Main 2 Page, set SW3 Override to Favorite Inc.
@realtouchThank you very much! I will test your ideas!