Thanks for adding me in the forum 😀 .
I play with Kurzweil synths since '91. I began with the famous K2000 which I still own, even it needs servicing (screen mostly unreadable, I think it comes from the varistor...). Then a PC3 which is broken (it doesn't start anymore). And now a great K2700 😀 .
I mostly play for myself, composing pop, rock, synth pop tunes. But every year, I play with the band in my company and for the gig in June, I will use the K2700. For that I have made several multi I can post (for those where I have modified the stock sounds enough 😉 )
I rarely create my own sounds from scratch. I usually come from stock sounds that I adapt.
Thanks again for adding me -- I'll post some sounds very soon.
Welcome Fabien,
I usually start from stock (or bought, or downloaded on sites like this one) sounds as well when I need to create new ones. I find this procedure easier than starting from scratch.