
GM General Midi for...
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GM General Midi for SP6 and/or PC3(K)

9 Posts
2 Users
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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I am in the middle of getting out of the K2000/K2661/PC3K/SP6 Era to prepare for the K2061 or something like that. When trying to convert the o-so-valuable old sounds, I noticed there was not a GM bank for SP6, furthermore I always had to put my PC3K into GM mode, before continuing. As Fran noticed that you don't need to save the dependent objects as the samplesets are a-like (from PC3 up to Forte and SP), I decided to push all in a user bank and store from there. This should save you a lot of time. 

Thanks Fran for so much significant background stories. Happy Valentine you all.

NOTE: Take the zip file and remove the extension .ZIP , that will leave you with a readable file for PC3 style or FSE (Forte SE/SP)

Posted : 13/02/2024 11:14 am
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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And this is the FSE/SP version of the GM Bank

Posted : 13/02/2024 11:15 am
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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Added new version of the GM bank. Panflute was missing (Sakuchi was twice). In the zip the GM Drumkits are now also added. Greetz

Posted : 13/02/2024 7:04 pm
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

Thank you!

Posted : 13/02/2024 7:38 pm
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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@cecchino Let me know if this works out for you. Plan is to eventually have all the normal PC3K sounds ported into the SP6/FORTE SE domain so my older projects will still work on my new machine. Would be happy that users notify here the mistakes so I can fix it :-). Seems that the koreana keymap in the SP6 for example contains an error, on sample restart it start to plunk (which does not happen on the PC3K).... all these type of small errors 😉 Greetz

Posted : 14/02/2024 8:30 am
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

@aletius I will try ASAP on my PC4.



Posted : 14/02/2024 8:36 am
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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@cecchino I didn't realize that also the PC4 lacks GM bank. I know almost for sure that this bank should work perfectly on PC4 also. If you can confirm that , let me know and I will change the subject of this post and add PC4 to it.

Posted : 14/02/2024 9:28 am
cecchino reacted
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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Added a new version (as bank 9, from 1152-1279), This is done as you cannot overwrite 1024 (factory preset in SP6). When opening in a DAW , the first patchs starts at 1025 (instead of 1024) which makes it difficult to select the correct GM patch.

Posted : 20/02/2024 3:00 pm
Paul Suitela
Posts: 17
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Posted : 26/02/2024 8:25 am