Is for PC3k... may need the k2661 loaded as I imported this from my K2000.
I use the left hand pad for the bridge... (also, may be loud
In the setup is a patch called 'Nothing' on Ch 1, I use this patch just to make sure my GEM piano does not play the synth as is connected by midi.
Hi John,
sorry, I can't load the Runaway Sound in my PC3. In Setup Mode I can see, that "Runaway" has loaded, but the Programs "1101 PolyArp" and "1171 RunawayPad" are empty, so the setup cannot not use them to produce the sound. Whats wrong? Can you give me some step-by-step-help to upload the Sound?
Thank from Uli
I think you need this from:
K2661 ROM Compatability File
(Both the programs use Keymap 2700 Sawtooth... I think is in the ROM download above...
Download and follow instructions to install.
(handy to have installed anyway, if you want to load k2000 etc. programs.. lots of those to be found)
However, I just looked at your original post and you say you have a PC361... I don't think you can load the
ROM probably you need a K version,
You may be able to find a sawtooth keymap in the PC361 that works close enough though... go to edit the program, then into keymaps and scroll though your keymaps and find a sawtooth... might work? (I don't have a PC361.)
Hopefully this makes sense:-)
I had some time to look at this... in my machine Keymap 174 is almost the same as the 2700 one, just 6 db quieter.
So I just changed the programs to use Keymap 174... maybe will work now
If you have a Facebook account look up Mick Seeley. He played it on the original recording.
John for President!
It works (so loud!!!), and I thank you very much.