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File types that will load into Artis 7

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Hello ksetlist. I'm new to the Artis and looking for bass sound files. Can anyone respond with the file types an Artis can load?
pc3 works fine; I've downloaded some from ksetlist and they load into my Artis.

There are ads on ebay for Kurzweil sounds that say their sounds will load into Kurzweil synths. An example:
"usb pen drive for Kurzweil PC3LE PC3 6 7 8 PC3A8 A8 sound banks sounds patches"
then is says this about file types:
"compatible usb pen drive  for Kurzweil PC3LE6 PC3LE7 PC3LE8 PC3A8 full of hundreds of sound banks and patches in native pc3 format and in pure VAST"
Are these formats compatible with Artis? The Artis manuals don't mention what file types it can load.

And what about this one:
"Largest collection of sounds available for Kurzweil synthesizers. Works with this long list of VAST models: K2000, K2000VP, K2000R, K2000RS, K2500, K2500X, K2500XS, K2500R, K2500RS, K2600, K2600X, K2600R, K2600RS, K2661, PC3K6, PC3K7, PC3K8. Includes thousands of sounds in .KRZ, .K25 and .K26 formats (over 2GB)."

So when somebody has a PC3Kx file, as above, can they be loaded in Artis?

And Sweetwater sells this:
Sweetwater Sound Kurzweil PC3K Library
"The Sweetwater PC3K Library is a collection of instruments for the Kurzweil PC3K (6, 7, and 8) workstation."
Same question. Can these be successfully loaded into Artis?

Any help you can give me is certainly appreciated. Also, I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who sells sound files and can help me find several good pc3 bass sounds.

Thanks in advance.

Posted : 20/10/2017 2:37 am
Posts: 70
Trusted Member

Hello ksetlist. I'm new to the Artis and looking for bass sound files. Can anyone respond with the file types an Artis can load?
pc3 works fine; I've downloaded some from ksetlist and they load into my Artis.

There are ads on ebay for Kurzweil sounds that say their sounds will load into Kurzweil synths. An example:
"usb pen drive for Kurzweil PC3LE PC3 6 7 8 PC3A8 A8 sound banks sounds patches"
then is says this about file types:
"compatible usb pen drive  for Kurzweil PC3LE6 PC3LE7 PC3LE8 PC3A8 full of hundreds of sound banks and patches in native pc3 format and in pure VAST"
Are these formats compatible with Artis? The Artis manuals don't mention what file types it can load.

And what about this one:
"Largest collection of sounds available for Kurzweil synthesizers. Works with this long list of VAST models: K2000, K2000VP, K2000R, K2000RS, K2500, K2500X, K2500XS, K2500R, K2500RS, K2600, K2600X, K2600R, K2600RS, K2661, PC3K6, PC3K7, PC3K8. Includes thousands of sounds in .KRZ, .K25 and .K26 formats (over 2GB)."

So when somebody has a PC3Kx file, as above, can they be loaded in Artis?

And Sweetwater sells this:
Sweetwater Sound Kurzweil PC3K Library
"The Sweetwater PC3K Library is a collection of instruments for the Kurzweil PC3K (6, 7, and 8) workstation."
Same question. Can these be successfully loaded into Artis?

Any help you can give me is certainly appreciated. Also, I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who sells sound files and can help me find several good pc3 bass sounds.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Ken,
There is no easy answer to your question. Artis can load PC3 objects (Most objects (no user samples)). What this means that if a PC3 program is using same samples (keymaps) that you have in your Artis the program will sound and work fine. If however the program is using samples (keymaps) that are not onboard in your Artis, the program will not work. You can not load samples into Artis so the PC3K-files are not a good choise for you (PC3K has an onboard memory into which user can load samples). The K2 programs won't work at all in Artis
As Artis has a limited (as do all synthesizers) number of bass samples (keymaps) you might end up buying collections of programs that only have few non-synth bass programs and from those you can only use the ones that are using the samples on Artis. You can of course edit the programs so that they'll use the samples that Artis have but if Artis bass samples don't work for you then it will be a waste of time.
I suggest that you go through the Artis bass programs and if there are some that you like, try to edit them to match your needs.

Hope this helps.



Posted : 20/10/2017 6:40 am
Posts: 5
Active Member
Topic starter

Thank you so much. This is very helpful. I've looked over the PC3 editor manual and it looks possible to adjust EQ (hopefully) easily. That might be what's needed. By the way it was my great pleasure to visit Helsinki on a business trip some years ago. What a grand city!


Posted : 20/10/2017 10:28 am