
PC3K7 .. replacemen...
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PC3K7 .. replacement keybed?

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 17
Eminent Member
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Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone here knew whether there is a drop-in replacement keybed for the PC3/3k7 which changes it into a fully weighted keybed rather than the standard semi? I know that there are a number Fatar keybeds, but does anyone know how feasible it is to swap out one for another?

I'm fairly sure this was covered elsewhere many moons ago, but I can't find any reference to it. I see that when the PC3 boots up, it scans the keybed and adjusts the interface between the keyboard and the sound engine accordingly but I can't remember what the 'known' models were..

Ring any bells? Better still - has anyone tried it? A weighted 76note PC3K would be ideal for me - mine is old enough that it wouldn't get upset about 'voiding the warranty' (that ship sailed many moons ago)



Posted : 16/07/2015 6:56 am
Posts: 4
New Member

This was my dream too, as I found out the hard way that the keyboard feel can really have a negative effect on your playing if it's not right- I've had to do with an 88 version ( unnecessarily huge for gigging and 40kg with flight case !!) but as I found out, I can't really get into it with a lighter action.

Please give us an update on your results when you have them.

Posted : 24/08/2015 12:48 am