Hello, welcome and thank you for your introduction!
Hello Toey, welcome to this Forum!
Just use Google and you find demo videos. There are several people sellling sampled pianos for the K series. "Good" is always very subjectiv...
Recently I uploaded 3 QA banks. You find them in the "vault". One of them contains as the organ (always no 7) a split organ that I often use...
What do you want? Sampling space or the "A" Piano? A question only you can answer. Rest is the same.
What exactly do you mean with "soundscapes"? Not everyone owns a Kronos. The VAST engine can do a lot. I guess more, expecially when it come...
You own a good universal-purpose Keyboard now. Greetings from Allemagne!.
Hello and greetings from GER!
Hello, yes, I had the same Career. Yamaha for many years, but switched to the Kurz some years ago. The architecture inside is completely different. An...
Hello Matteo and greetings from GER.
Hello Brian and welcome!