Last seen: Sep 4, 2023
Now that I remember, it seems to me that since I updated the sound library that Kurzweil offers on its website, from there I have the problem that the...
@hipogrito sorry, hi Fran. I have a pc3 le7. Yes i get this prpgram before the forum chance.
Goodnight. I wanted to thank you for this great radio gaga setup. I have been having trouble with the drum path for a while. It doesn't sound exactly ...
Hello, i use the factory preset called V SYNC This sound is from the category leads. i hope it helps you. sorry for my inglish!
hi to everyone from argentina! how can i open this file?to extract a especific patch? thanks a lot!
hola como andas!? una consulta, de donde sacaste el editor?lo bajaste de algun lado?o lo tuviste que comprar??saludos!
perfect! if you can make it sound a little louder the main sound( synthesizer) and that the same can be modified with the knob (timbre) I would be ver...
thanks! It sounds much better but equally there is a problem that you can not change the timbre of the main sound effect and continues to have a low v...
hi! ill be looking for a long time this setup and seems like nobody have this setup and in the sp 4-7 you cant modify nothing....take care.bye.
Its there anybody out there.....?
Hi for everyone! Someone have the preset of shine on part 9?and a good lead sound of the beggining because i have one and its to loud and still sound ...
i solve it its the key sensitive. you have to hit more strong the key...
Hi! i dont know what happen. today i plug my keyboard and i put the on the run patch and dont work correctly theres no sound of the main synth i dont ...
Thanks a lot!!!much better! now i can play the main sound on my sp 4 7 and works correctly thank you so much!
hi for everyone! sorry you know if this works correctly on a sp4-7 because i install this program and i only can hear is the airplane and the hi hat s...