Hello Admin,
Can I suggest you tweak phpBB's Search Indexing settings so that "common words" are not ignored, and breaking any ability to search for things, like "Forte" I'd love to search before asking questions, however, I cannot.
The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: forte.
You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least 3 characters and must not contain more than 14 characters excluding wildcards.
Not to be presumptuous, but in case you do not know where this is, it's in ACP, Search Settings, Common Word Threshold. Set it to 0, since you do not have a billion posts
Common word threshold:
Words which are contained in a greater percentage of all posts will be regarded as common. Common words are ignored in search queries. Set to zero to disable. Only takes effect if there are more than 100 posts. If you want words that are currently regarded as common to be reconsidered you have to recreate the index.
Thank you. I love Search.
You rock! However, you may need to also rebuild the search index, as "Forte" still didn't yield any results but the message above but, we're well on our way! Thank you so much.