Hi folks,
Been a while since I've been on here.
Went to NAMM and got keyboard GAS, what else is new?
So I'm considering upgrading from my venerable PC3LE7 that has always been reliable for me, but I'm a sucker for the next big shiny thing, so I was looking at the latest Kurz boards at NAMM.
Really liked the German piano sounds in the Forte. They would be great for recording, I just don't know if I can afford the extra zoot to get those, versus the Artis 7 (which is the only other alternative to the Forte I am considering at this time). The Artis pianos were OK, but definitely you can tell the difference vs. the Forte.
I should tell you what kind of music I play, so you can give me some suggestions:
I play in two bands currently on keys.
First is "old guy" classic rock music. For that, I need good but not great piano, EP, and horns. I have several setups that help me do what I need to do. I have a Hammond SK-1 that I put on top of my stacker for organ, I don't really use the KB3 at all.
Second is originals "outlaw country" band, and there I play mostly honky tonk style piano, with a little organ, for which the KB3 probably would be sufficient, and since that means a one-board gig rig is more ideal, based on the kind of venues that band plays (cramped stages in cowboy bars).
So the bottom line is I don't really super fine pianos, except when I am playing for myself or recording.
Yet, the zealot in me keeps thinking that I don't want to own a "compromise" board any more. That's what I saw in the PC3LE7. It was a good board for me, but I kinda wanted more. But, with semi-weighted keys, and weight not too bad for my old back, it was a good compromise board. Not sure I can add 10lbs to my load-in to go up to a 50-lb board, the 27 lbs for the Artis 7 is very appealing in that regard. Artis also has the adjustable action weighting you can program in to the Global setting how much resistance you want….very cool feature. I suppose Forte has that too, I just never looked.
So I also have the compatibility thing to consider. I have about 50 setups I have created (some of which I have posted on here) for various cover songs that I need for the "old guy" band. I believe compatibility will be a bit easier between the PC3LE and the Artis, as many more of the programs overlap, whereas the Forte has vastly different program names and sounds, that would not be directly compatible. Of course, I could load the programs I need to either Artis or Forte so my setups will still work, but that can be tedious. Maybe better just to build them all from scratch on the Forte. hmmmm.
Any suggestions for the astute folks on this forum? I will buy either a used Forte or a new Artis 7 in the next 30 days regardless.
Bass guitar and keyboard player for Safe in Sound band.
not at the same time, but sometimes in the same song!
What about a PC3K8 or 7? The KB3 is better than the LE versions. And now you have the option to get the new piano expansion (Artis). Benefits are the huge synthsection, 16 zones, riffs+sequences.
You have to decide if you want to lug a Forte around with you, or an Artis. Well there is now the option of the Artis 7, it is said to be really lightweight. And it can also play the better organs of the non LE versions. As long as you have loaded them in. It has less zones - you have to decide what you need.
From what you play, I guess the LE would be still sufficient. Just the organs are a weak spot.
If you can live without sampling there's also the new PC3A to consider. As well as the new Artis LE which I admit I haven't looked at too closely.
thanks for the suggestion folks.
I'm still thinking about it.
Prefer the sound of the Forte, the portability and cost of the Artis 7.
Then again, I saw the unthinkable, Kronos v2. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.
Bass guitar and keyboard player for Safe in Sound band.
not at the same time, but sometimes in the same song!