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I got myself a PC3K7 a few months ago to replace an ancient Ensoniq EPS that I'd been keeping on advanced life support for years. But please don't laugh - that old EPS had some great features, especially for its time, and I put those features to great use in the Beatles cover band I've been playing with for 18 years. After much research, I determined that the Kurzweil was the only instrument out there that could do the same things the EPS did for me (and A LOT more, of course), and I'm having a great time working my way through all the capabilities this magnificent instruments has.

I'm sure I'll have some interesting questions from time-to-time as I rebuild all the instrument sounds, keyboard splits and layers, sequences and sound effects that I had running on the EPS. So here's one that's been bugging me for some time.

Several programs (mostly clavs and Rhodes) have CC Pedal #2 controlling a WAH effect. Pedal #2 is even labeled (wah) on the back panel. But after hours of digging through menus, I can't for the life of me figure out where that WAH is coming from. The keyboard has, like, 1000 FX chain objects and 500 FX presets (boxes) but not one of them says "WAH". And I know that a WAH is simply a bandpass filter with a variable center frequency, but I can't find any evidence of pedal 2 controlling a bandpass filter in any of the WAH-enabled programs. So, WHA am I missing???? I need my wah-piano for "Birthday"

Posted : 19/11/2015 1:27 pm
da capo
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Wah fx in PC3 series are mostly composed from distortion, resonant BPF and compressor in a FX chain.
The controller pedal basicly controls the cutoff frequency sweep then.
Some patches use a LP filter instead of BP.
Not all patches using a wah effect use the FX chain exclusively,- some patches have duplicated layers in a program and when the wah effect gets engaged by the switch button, you hear the duplicated layers (sometimes partially) running into an additional layer (see cascade layers within a program) containing a resonant BP or LP filter which then is controlled by a CC pedal and/or mod-wheel or velocity (touch wah).
When reverse engineering patches, you will recognize this in the DSP control and DSP mod pages when stepping thru the layers.


Posted : 19/11/2015 4:25 pm
Posts: 5
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Thanks for the reply, Da Capo. I've delved into the bowels of the PC3K as far as my available time has allowed so far, but I haven't gotten into cascading layers yet. I'll study up on that and see if I can finally "reverse engineer" one of those WAH programs and apply it to the piano program I'm using.

Posted : 04/12/2015 11:30 am