The high, flutey chime thing....the chords are just strings and voices...
There are lot more sounds in this song. I just listend to it closely serveral times and made list of all sounds I could distinguish apart from the vocals. I'm sure I missed a few so the list is probably not complete. I only noted the first occurence of each sound. Sometimes a sound is slightly varied when used later. Especially the pad sound seem sto be doubled with slightly different later versions in the later parts and there is further variation by opening / closing the filter. And of course the guitar sounds in the background have a great variety according to the different ways the guitar is played.
00:00 Filter Swish / Flying Saucer
00:01 Shaker / Hihat
00:01 Wiry Bass (FM?) maybe doubled with SynthBass
00:12 Distorted Guitar with Whammy Bar and Volume Pedal and Reverb
00:03 Soft Saw Pad
00:38 Bell Sound / Music Box
01:00 Distorted Lead Guitar
01:23 Bass Drum
01:24 Low Filter Noise Snare
01:24 Guitar Single-Note Comping with Feedback-Delay
01:25 Clap with Feedback-Delay
01:45 Breathy/Echoey Sound Doubling the Bell Sound
02:11 The clap sound gets higher in pitch and has more reverb
02:45 Filter Swish/sweep or Cymbal Swell which is drawn out (with reverb?) into
a high pitch noise-like sound
02:46 Ride Cymbal, normal Snare
02:46 Guitar (?) doubling the bass with reverb
02:47 Snare doubled with Clap or E-Drum Snare with big reverb
02:58 Synth choir Pad
03:05 Flutey Lead with a little filter squeak in the attack
03:23 Snare drum roll
04:22 Doubled/chorused distorted lead guitar
Overall most of sounds, apart from the bass, are often drenched in reverb and time feedback delays are used quite often. The arrangement of the song is a very niece specimen of how to layer sounds effectively and build up tension by adding up more and more little parts, taking some back, building them up again, and so on.
Here's a live video from 1986 where you can see, which kind of synths were used by the keyboardist at the time. The keyboard parts are somewhat simpliefied for the live performance. The pad comes from a Sequential Circuits Prophet 600. The keyboard played for the the bell sound is a Roland MKB-300, I think, which is only a master keyboard, so the sound must come from a rack module or one of the other keyboards. The keyboard used for the breathy choir sound at 01:46 of the video seems to be an Emu Emulator II.
wow, a lot of work went into that Chris, well done.
Bass guitar and keyboard player for Safe in Sound band.
not at the same time, but sometimes in the same song!
Pretty impressive disclosure of sounds!
Yeah...the guitar, bass, drum sounds I was going to do, interestingly enough, with a guitar, bass, and drums...
I found a passable pad....was looking for the lead synth sound.