April - May 2013: Keane - Under the iron sea (intro)
Let's polish those chain FXs to get something closer to this:
One extra point to whom gives us the sounds for the hit Nothing in my way
You have until May 31st, 2013 to submit your programs or setups.
For this challenge winner I still have one pin commemorating the 30 anniversary of MIDI.
Let´s see what I can do. I want that pin SO MUCH!
Extended the period of entries until the end of June!
Uhm thx. I was about to tell you I had no time until now to sit down and start my efforts.
Well, here we go. I did a small demo vid; can be found here when it´s processed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a72RI8Rk ... e=youtu.be
Hipogrito: I sent you the file via email - will you post it when the time is up?
very nice, I like
First, that's really great!
Second, normally you don't show your sounds until the competition is over so that the other participants don't know your "level"... but, as you have already done it, 2 things might happen now: one, you have scared them away or, two, what I hope, really hope, really really hope!, somebody now is working hard trying to beat you!!!!
Ok people, who can beat this??????
Uh, thank you. In fact I don´t think its really THAT good. Because I already have some things in mind that I could do better plus using less ressources. I am still not really satisfied with the quality of the distorted strings. The only problem is: I don´t have the time and I won´t have until the mid of july. So I just decided to have it finished. Maybe I will hone it with my ideas later - but much later.
But honestly, I would be too easy to win because no one else takes the competition. It´s no honor. So - me too want to tell the guys and girls out there to show how it´s really done. Come on.
Congratulations Kaffimusic,
it's the end of June when we can download setup?
Good luck.
Fran/Hipogrito is the boss. Let's wait what he has to say. He also has the file.
AND there are still 2 days until June is over.
EDIT: Well, now it´s the 3rd of July - I am curious.
What happened with this challenge?
Soon the results.
This time there was competition!
Excuse my impatience... but what´s the result now? Did I miss something?
No, you haven't missed anything... just busy days... soon...