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Jan-Apr 2017: Justin Timberlake - Can't stop the feeling

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Next challenge, Justin Timberlake - Can't stop the feeling.

Till April 30th 2017.

Kurzweil t-shirt courtesy of American Music and Sound for the winner.

Let's see what you got!



Posted : 24/01/2017 11:17 am
Posts: 5
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Interesting, i will try, the sound of piano and the other sounds we ear, right??

Posted : 27/02/2017 8:05 am
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Yes, as many sounds as you can.

The main idea from ksetlist is that anybody that needs to play that song can get the sounds from here and have enough material to get going without starting from scratch.



Posted : 06/03/2017 11:53 am
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Posted : 21/03/2017 11:06 am
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Is this extended? May be interested in submitting.

Posted : 02/04/2017 12:27 pm
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EXTENDED for one month!


Posted : 03/04/2017 8:01 am
Posts: 445
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Oh? I played this several times with a band and programmed a setup with the most important sounds. But I guess it needs a video to demo how to play it. Sorry, saw this too late, I can´t make it in time. I have 3 gigs the next 3 days.

EDIT: I see there is a KURWEIL TSHIRT!!!! I WANT IT!!!!! I never had one and I guess I never will get one, since where I live there is no trace of something like that.
Okay, here we go. Just the setup, no video, just explanations.

It is made to be played comfortably life with the essential sounds. Not to EXACTLY copy what is on CD, but to have it really close and also convenient to play live. And it sounds good and thick - tested. That are in fact just two.
1. The pumping soft attack piano. I guess this was made in studio with compression, controlled by the beat. However, we synthesize that. The pumping can be controlled with aftertouch. Press and it reacts. You control the speed with your hands, no automatic frequency. Automatism is bad while you play live and the speed would not match to your drummer. If you don´t like aftertouch, change the control to a pedal or something else you like better. Hint: Edit the piano, go to page DSPMOD, place the cursor over Level (left), then change Src2 and DptCtl (on the right) to the desired controller you want. Maybe you have to play around with MaxDepht to have it just right.
2. The analog style bridge and chorus sound. You can switch it to layer the piano with button 2 over slider B (PC3 or k). If you want, you can control the presence (filter) with slider A, to open it wider while playing the chorus.
You can also bend it up to follow that pitchslide at the end of the bridge.
By the way: I use this sawtoothy sound as one of my bread + butter sounds, when I need some analog comping. In program mode, you can also control the amount of FX (last sliders) that is attached.

That´s it. Good to handle on stage and sounds good in live environment.

Oops, I re-read the rules - I deleted the file (no DL yet) and send it to Fran directly :roll:

Posted : 28/04/2017 11:15 pm
Posts: 445
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Hey Fran, time is up. What´s up?

Posted : 08/05/2017 12:09 am
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Coming soon....


Posted : 19/05/2017 6:12 am
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Hey, any news?

Posted : 23/06/2017 12:34 pm
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And the winner is the one and only and already ksetlist champ Kaffimusic!!!

Thanks Kaffi, you are the best!!! Love the SawComper for this song.

Hey guys, please share a big round of applause!!!!

He will be getting a Kurzweil t-shirt courtesy of American Music and Sound, Kurzweil distributors in the USA.


Posted : 27/06/2017 6:34 am
Posts: 176
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Kaffi for President :D :D :D !!!

Posted : 29/06/2017 7:52 am
Posts: 445
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Heya, I received the message while I was on a vacation on the island of Crete, bad internet connection, so no reaction in time from me. But now I am back, and I am REALLY happy! Such a T-Shirt is a must-have, and I did not have one. Hope I am not too fat to fit in, lol.
Honestly I thought the challenge was over and I did not win. I was pretty surprised when I received the message.
So, for all of you who wants to use it: Follow the instructions I gave how to use the sounds and you will have good on-stage sounds. The analog sawtoothy style one is a sound I have in my bread+butter collection on stage. You can use it on many songs where you need some analog comping.
The piano is not good for anything else but this song, lol.

EDIT: I was asked about compatibility for the LE. This is what I can say:
I don´t own one, but know a bit about it´s abilities and limits, but not exaxtly.
The soundset is a setup that consists of sounds that the LE should be able to handle. The main limitation of the LE is it´s inability to handle more sophisticated effects. But non were used here, it´s all done with the synth, and the LE can do that.
It´s a piano that should be also in the LE and it is hacked to enable you to play that pumping with aftertouch.
The synth is based on a algorithm that Barb has once done some years ago. It makes use of the VA synth and programmed in a way that it can be played in a variety of styles - basically it´s close to a piano-feel with slight dynamics, but an endless sustain. The LE series should be easily able to do that.
A problem might be, the synth is switched on and off with a PC3 button-control, so this is something you may have to change. I don´t know if the LE switches to a button that makes sense or use one at all.
Second, the synth makes use of the A slider on the nonLE to raise the filter a bit. I use it in the song to add more presence in the chorus.
So you also might have to change that to a different control, since I don´t know if the LE will do that on it´s own.
Maybe the LE is not able to handle both FX, the piano and the synth the same time in a setup. Though it´s not very sophisticated, you may have to switch to one of the kind of hard-wired FX in the LE, that fits to that sounds. I can´t give any hints here, since I - like I said - don´t own one.

Posted : 07/07/2017 9:20 am
Posts: 445
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But.... what are those stylish rubberbands for?

Posted : 29/11/2017 7:55 am
Posts: 1098
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Congrats Kaffi and great job!!!!!

And be creative with the wrist bands :lol:


Posted : 30/11/2017 6:55 am
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