Hello everybody,
It's that time of the year when I have to decide if I am going to spend a few bucks in renewing the domain ksetlist.com or not.
The year has been like this:
- Nice beginning.
- Great contributions by few people. Really great.
- Then a sharp decline in contributions.
- Today, very few contributions.
So, did The K Set List reach its peak and it is on its way down? or, will another year bring many great programs and setups?
Well, it's up to you... what do you think? Should I keep it or should I go?
Well, my perspective may not mean much. I have to admit I love the idea; I think it's potentially a lot more purpose-oriented than, say, the "downloads" area at Sonik. That one's a good resource for all sorts of things, sequences etc.
But most of my needs would be song - specific, and if I want a program or setup for a specific song I'd be inclined to come here first - unfortunately IMO you're not getting as much participation as you deserve, and I haven't found anything I need yet.
Then again, I also only have my PC3 less than two months. I'm still learning. I have a feeling that I'd be more active posting than downloading - mostly tweaked programs and setups that I use in my band. But most of what I've done so far is kinda quick and dirty.
It's your call, dude. I personally would like to see it continue, but at the current level of participation I would not blame you for shutting it down - especially if you don't get a decent response to this thread.
By the way, thanks again for bailing me out by showing me the light when I was frantically trying to figure out how to get my boards to talk to each other on the eve of my first gig with the PC3!
Regards -
I was glad to see this site when it first appeared because it addressed my Weekend Warrior needs. I hope it continues.
I agree with your assessment of the year, and also I notice that the K Set List gets a lot of views and downloads. People are definitely checking in on a regular basis. They download practically everything that appears. there just isn't a lot of new posting lately.
It doesn't make much sense to me. I figure, anyone interested in downloading a setup for a Cold play or Michael Jackson tune must be in a cover band and have some of these programs. Why not post them? At first I was hesitant to post sounds, because I knew my sounds were not always the best. (I think Fran commented that until someone posts something better, they were.) I threw a bunch of setups onto this board, any many were downloaded. If you tried one out and liked it, I'm glad. But if you thought a setup was kind of lame, or downright cr*p, I would seriously love to hear your opinions. Even better, if you managed to make it sound better, then post it. I feel that if people leave feedback about the sounds, it is totally worth the effort to post them, because I can learn so much-- Like being able to ask advice from a roomful of keyboard players.
The only suggestion I can offer to improve the format is to eliminate the alphabetical index and simply list songs in one searchable table. It's kind of slow to keep clicking those letters.
It may be helpful if one of the members here could post a video on youtube of saving a setup from the PC3 to a computer, and also loading on a setup from here to the PC3.
I'm sure this is extremely easy for those who know how, but for some visitors to this site who are new to setups and programming it may seem a little odd. Just a short video may be the small push a few of us [myself included] would need to help contribute even some basic setups on here.
Also if there was a page on here where people could just type out the list of program names they have put together, a more experienced user could upload a setup file based on this. A basic format for how to list each layer, keyrange and volume should be plenty for this, with a short description if needed of which layers are used or muted and parts of the song they work for.
Having it on a separate page like the requests page may help keep the real setup pages clutter free. I'm sure once people get to grips with the basics they can follow the youtube vids and feel confident to upload their setups directly.
Personally I am still getting used to the huge amount of usable sounds on board, and that they are readily tweakable too. This site is a great help already and can be a very welcoming place to learn the starting points of a very powerful and deeply programmable keyboard.
Going back over the videos from Geoffrey Gee they cover so many bases so quickly that a beginner may benefit more from some short, direct clips from users on here from time to time, for more on the basics of setups and light tweaking.
I would love to see this site continue, and hope to participate a great deal more in it as I understand more about my PC3X.
Hi Fran,
Not knowing what your hosting arrangement is, I would say it's certainly worth keeping the site around for at least another year if it's just a matter of <$15 to renew a domain. I've only uploaded one patch so far, but that's 100% of the song-specific patches I've created for my PC3K8 to date.
I hope this site continues to exist. I also hope that I will sometime have more time to learn my PC3x and contribute with more setups/program to this site.
Hi Fran,
I think the idea of this board is really great and Fran, you´re doing the best you can to keep this board alive. I´ve noticed, that during your job at Kurzweil you also help our Spanish speaking friends on several forums on the internet to make the best of their keyboards. Thanks for all your´re doing!
@all registerd users:
There are a lot of registerd keyboarders on this board but only a few of them sharing their setups and sounds to the others. What´s the reason for this? Is it really so difficult to upload a sound to this board? I think if someone is able to load a setup from this board he´s also able to upload one. If really every keyboarder registered here would only contribute one or more sounds of his setups (and as Philskeys does I also suggest that their are a lot of keyboarders playing in cover bands), then we would have a giant setup base on this board.
I also appeal to those that download sounds to say what could be improve or if he´s able to do, to upload improvements to the sounds published here. A setup doesn´t have to be professional or perfect to be published, because if it is not, perhaps we can optimize it (I translated from German, I don´t know if this is correct...).
I also must apologize myself for being a bit non-active for the least months, but since July I´m daddy of a little doughter and she keeps me away from making new sounds. But, I think next year there will be some new contributions of me.
I hope that this board will still be alive in future.
PS: Fran, will you start a new contest? Perhaps you should mention again that there´s a secret award...
I will make sure I contribute to this, excellent resource and it's great that someone puts the effort in to provide it.
I have always held back sharing my sounds and setups with fear of being judged but thats stupid as they work for me week after week in gigs so they may help someone else, and may encourage others to contribute.
Also if there is anyway I can assist I will, I am part owner in an eccomerce company in the UK and would be happy to donate server space dns management or just general assistance to this forum.
When I loaded on a setup from here, along with a standalone sound from sonikmatter, I followed the manual and am convinced I chose a wrong option, as several layers of the setup had no sound across any of the keys, they were not muted. The standalone sound worked fine.
I did not see how to save a single setup out on to my computer to upload here. I am sure it is painfully obvious once done properly once, and this is why I asked for a short clip on youtube showing which buttons are pressed on which menu screens.
The setups I have made are fairly basic but I find them effective. I would be very happy to share them on here and hopefully someone could use them as groundwork for an optimized setup of their own.
I also must apologize myself for being a bit non-active for the least months, but since July I´m daddy of a little doughter and she keeps me away from making new sounds. But, I think next year there will be some new contributions of me.
Same goes for me except my daughter was born in march Also my job is killing my right now... but no excuses: I'll try to upload some 20-30 Setups made for a recent Funk/R'n'B gig to bring some input to this site again.
I really hope you keep the domain.
I hope this site will be not discontinued. I 'm learning with my PC3X and an old K2600.
I'm french musisian and it's wonderfull to find lot of people who increase the kurzweil's song world.
Well, thank you everybody that has replied via the forum or via email. I have received a ton of good words which means that it'll be worth it to keep the site alive and running.
Also there were very good comments and suggestions.
So, let's keep those programs and setups rolling!!!
And have fun!
I do check periodically and the last time I did, I was dissapointed due to no activity. You have a GREAT domain and would surely miss it. I find it quite useful to download a particular setup and tweak it for other songs. IE I modded a couple for in car by gary numan and talk to you later by the tubes and once I'm happy with my tweaks will post them
I would say the popularity of Kurzweil products especially the pc3 family is increasing and more players are going to be online exchanging ideas, patches, setups etc... I would give the site another year before making a decision on what to do about it.