Hi, Back home again. Sounds uploaded to the download section! As I am involved into a project programming sound for Korg Kronos i won´t be very acti...
Hi, I wasn´t very active the least months, but I was working on this fanfare sound a while ago. It´not that perfect, but I have programmed twoe versi...
Hi to all Germans, VEVO link works fine in Germany. No limits but you have to accept cookies on this site-
Auch ein Hallo aus der Nähe von MZ!
Hi Phil, seems that you have solved the woop sound... congratulations. Thanks for sharing this setup. Regards Joerg
Hi Thorsten, Awesome pads! Vieleicht können wir mal irgendwann einen Erfahrungsaustausch machen? Regards (und vielen Dank für die wirklich gei... ...
Hi Ingo, und einen schönen Gruß von der Nahe! Schön, dass immer mehr Landsleute hier teilnehmen. Viele Grüße und eine frohes Osterfest! Jörg
Hi, what about Kore64 setups...? Hope that I can come up with a few programs and setups for the expansion until christmas. But I cannot promise... R...
Hi Zelma, great setup! I will use it on stage. Regards Joerg
Hi Fran, I think the idea of this board is really great and Fran, you´re doing the best you can to keep this board alive. I´ve noticed, that during y...
Hi NeoCZ, you are the first one who modifies the setups I´ve created. I really enjoy what you are doing. Pls. feel free to make more improvements to ...
Same to me... Cannot download Madonna "Material Girl" either. Regards Joerg